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Why Companies Screen?


Avoid violence in the workplace

  • 10% of job applicants have a criminal record 


Get the right person for the job

  • 4O% of resumes contain material Iies or omissions about education, 

​     past employment, or qualifications


Reduce costs associated with bad hiring

  • Lawsuits, theft, fraud, embezzlement

  • Turnover, bad publicity, lost customers



What are the advantages of Screening?


  • Discourage applicants with something to hide or a reason to falsify credentials

  • Eliminate uncertainty in the hiring process by basing decisions on hard information

  • Demonstrate Due Diligence in the hiring process, promoting safety in the workplace

  • Encourage open communication and honesty on the part of the Applicant

  • Excellent return on a small investment



What is the process?


  1. Client signs an FCRA release form, authorizing screening

  2. Intelligent Hire provides release form and subject data for screening

  3. Investigation ensues according to federal, state, local laws

  4. Results provided to client

Need pricing? Want more information? Contact Intelligent Hire today
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